$Id: INSTALL,v 1.4 2006/09/09 04:42:59 budiharto Exp $ SUM - Samba User Manager ======================== samba-usrmgr-0.0.5-alpha2 Installation: ------------- There is no need to install this package (at least for this alpha-release) Simply extract the file to any directory and then run usrmgr.pl $ tar zxvf /path/to/sum-xxx.tar.gz $ cd usrmgr; Edit configuration file to suit your need. Pay attention on ldap host, base, dn and its password. $ vi UserManager/Config.pm Run the program: $ ./usrmgr.pl Enjoy! Requirement: ------------ These following softwares are needed prior installing samba-usrmgr: 1. Perl-gtk2 Download the latest version of perl-gtk2 from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtk2-perl. You need to download (at least) these following module: - perl-Glib - perl-Gtk2 Note: For Fedora Core distro, you might like to download from: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/5/i386/perl-Glib-1.120-1.fc5.i386.rpm http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/extras/5/i386/perl-Gtk2-1.121-1.fc5.i386.rpm 2. Net::LDAP Your distro might already include this module, if not just install it from CPAN. 3. A working installation of Samba with ldap backend.